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The sense of dread is AMAZING!! Love it! :D

Is it just me or is this the same house that's in clap clap? 😭

It's a very common house model in games. I think it's also in The Open House!


first of all, thanks for playing. the second - yes, I took this model from free models, because this is a short 10-minutes experience, where I just played with player's imagination and tense of horror, so it would be crazy for me to make the entire 2-floor house from scratch, just for 10 minutes game, as I always make my games alone. third - I usually make all environments in my games myself, but only if the game is big enough, which is NOT related to this certain game (because as I said before, its not actually a "game", just a short experience) so making such big house for such small free experience is crazy, when you are making the entire game alone.

(2 edits)

Muchas gracias por compartir el juego, aunque ha sido corto, me ha gustado mucho, el final me ha sorprendido bastante, has hecho un gran trabajo, por eso te doy 5 estrellas.

P.D.: He encontrado un fallo y es que si sales por la puerta del jardín, la atraviesas y, si sigues andando, te caes por el borde del mapa.

sehr gutes Spiel

Good Game


Nice this was really good game I like it well done keep it up!

thank you :D

I might reconsider staying in the house alone 💀

The basic premise of this is wild. It triggers the anticipation and tension, as well as plays with the player's imagination. Very basic in gameplay, but surprisingly impactful emotionally and definitely scary. I loved all of your games and you truly have the talent for creating exceptional environments and monster. Cheers to that mate! 

Best of luck with the future projects. Can't wait to play more! 


Thanks for playing :D


Yay, a new game. I'll play it tomorrow.


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