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The game is quite short, and I found some bugs where you can complete the missions in an out-of-order sequence xD

Excellent work as usual 10/10

so scary game!!

Had some fun with this one! Loved cookin the steaks! The dog model was creepy. Couldnt figure out the other endings but still enjoyed it!

Nice game looking forward to play more of your games

It was great! Beeg dog.



Honestly had a good time playing this game, especially when I've gotten jump scared out of nowhere. Overall a good game!

After a few human lives lost, I finally learned how to cook a steak. 10/10
Jokes apart, not bad. I had fun. But Peter is Hungry, so I gotta go.

last game

Mi perro ahora es un demonio😶‍🌫️


Played a few days ago and forgot to post it here 😅:

My Thoughts (or review I guess haha, will prob have spoilers.):

First off! Peter is out of control😂! That dog is big as hell, he need to make his own steaks since he so damn picky 😂😂! The actual jumpscare itself wasn't all that scary I will admit. But for SOME reason, his erratic movements and like the shock of seeing his very much did scare me, A few times in fact.I am very puzzled as to how to get the "good" ending if such a thing exist. I assume when you get the phone call and the writing on the cabin appears you are supposed to just keep going. I stopped since i thought well it was telling me to stop and that I was safe. What do I get for the effort? A jumpscare 😂. Man oh man was I scared asf. 4/5 Thanks for making the game!

thanks for playing!

the game has 2 endings totally :)


nice  game bro like it

Peter is the most selfish dog I"ve ever encountered


Rock n Roll

Peter didnt like the steak

Actually really fun and interesting. Sadly i didnt get incredibly far

great game! 🥩



I had a lot of fun playing the game! I see that you updated it, so I'll probably check that out sometime in the near future.

NGL, I had fun playing this. I was kinda stressed cooking steak with that timer counting down too.

Nah bro this game cheated me i gave him a cooked steak and my seconds went down😭😭

This was such a cool game! Having that timer count down while trying to cook steaks was stress inducing! I thought there was another ending if you kept feeding Peter after the phone call! Otherwise, I had fun playing this game! 

I enjoyed playing keep up the good work i ended up getting 2 ending and made a gameplay video that I hope you'll enjoy watching

muito bom,gostei muito!

I like this game!

This was a fun little game my dude! I tried to last as long as I could, that timer gets ROUGH! Super fun cooking though, I have to know is there a good ending or this just an endurance test!? Either way enjoyable and I recommend completely! Here is my gameplay video, sub and help my channel grow everybody! :)

hi! thanks for playing! the game has 2 endings totally :D

(1 edit)

Nooo! I had a feeling there was something hidden! XD I figured it out, you had to die first, get the phone call and get the gun! How did I miss!!! Good job my friend!


Does your game have translation to Portuguese? If not, I'm interested to help.

played this on a 3 scary games.

Very enjoyable, the panic of time running out was great.

Keep up the good work!

Why is he so hungry :(

Nice game. Almost ran out of steaks though xD

great game ! 

hilarious new video up on this check it out 


(1 edit)

From a hungry, captive human, to a steak multiplying and cooking god, I have conquered this game with finesse and a little bit of a goofiness.
It's the third game in my video.

kys i was majking voel 300 stakes pico uplne k hovnu kurva nejhorsi hra mrdky

Nice, awalnya bingung gimana, taunya steaknya gak boleh di timbun..

Buen juego me gusto mucho muy disfrutable dejo mi gameplay en español
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